Altruism, integrity, authenticity. Aware of it or not, these are virtues we all crave. Qualities that have never been in higher demand than now in the age of new media. While self-indulgence, deceit, and bullshit refuse to die quiet deaths, there are still silver linings worthwhile. Emerging young artists in varying fields, with vision, talent, and the heart to match, all daring to gamble in an era where content is created to lure us into a false sense of individuality. No individual has proven herself to be more authentic and brilliantly unique than Sofia Uribe, the founder of Cultura En Tu Ropa.
Born in San Diego, California, but raised in Tijuana, Mexico, Sofia Uribe was afforded the cultural influence of her Mexican heritage first hand as well as the economic benefits of her U.S. citizenship. These influences, coupled with an educational background in anthropology, melded together to reinforce Sofia’s contemporary style of clothing with a rich cultural respect she has worked hard to make all her own. Realizing her potential beyond academia, Sofia left school to pursue fashion. Diving into the deep-end, she learned the ins and outs of the industry the hard way. Through true grit and determination, she thrived, but ultimately left the world of high fashion behind to start her own line of clothing, something more in line with her own character and interests.

After making the decision to pursue her own endeavor, Sofia started Cultura en tu Ropa in early 2015 with the vision of creating a contemporary line of clothing that honors its cultural heritage. Taking a modern approach on huipiles, the traditional Mexican tunic worn by women all over Mexico, and expanding this approach to other garments like ponchos, dresses, and capes, Cultura en tu Ropa is accomplishing something special. They are helping to solidify Latin culture as something not to be ignored and making it accessible to a wider audience. This clothing is not just for Mexicans or Latin Americans; it can be appreciated by anyone. Cultura en tu Ropa does not attempt to capitalize on the old by making it new. Instead, it seeks to honor and preserve it. Their customers can rest assured that what they are wearing is not just a simple fad but something here to stay, or as Sofia puts it: “Cultura is not hype, it is not a trend; it is a way of living.” Much like its founder, Cultura en tu Ropa is the real deal. It is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise over saturated, over-hyped market, and gracefully commands our respect.
While Sofia’s beginnings can be said to be anything but conventional, her uniquely insightful origins explain the clothing she produces. You can feel her life, soul, and experience in every dyed textile.