Tuzeint | Break My Love

Written by: Jennifer Sanchez

Tuzeint’s soulful energy radiates from his new song, “Break My Love,” where he sings of a vulnerable pursuit for risky love. A musician, producer, and songwriter all in one, Enrique Toussaint, the 27-year-old behind “Tuzeint,” makes music that’s indicative of the contemporary scene of Latin America. In “Break My Love,” he blends sounds reminiscent of R&B and jazz and adds a touch of pop to bring it all together.

He sings of the complexities and uncertainties of falling in love with someone that appears to be unattainable. His experimentation of sound spans across several genres, dabbling into hip-hop and soul, and draws listeners in as he asks the million-dollar question – “Are you gonna break my love?”

Image provided by Bludot Recordings

It’s the kind of song you could dance to while you contemplate whether opening up to someone is worth the heartbreak.

Listen to “Break My Love” below. Out now via Bludot Recordings

produced by: Wet Baes